Jun 27Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

I wish I had a screenplay to have questions about, but i still got so much from what you shared . This is such a gift to others .

Depth in simplicity...

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Thank you for answering this question for me. If you had told me when I was 13 that one day I would get to have a conversation with the person who wrote one of my favourite movies, and get a peak inside your head as to why you went with the lines you went with, I would be delighted! Heck - I AM delighted right now.

I found myself nodding along to your explanations of why the scene was so good - I have never considered all the details that went into making it what it was, but your articulation of the mirror, the poetry/repetition, the facing yourself, and the forgiveness all hit home.

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Thanks Noah. Really appreciate you and I mean really.

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Jun 28Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

It’s one of my favorite movies too and I’m still in awe that the guy behind it is “accessible” to us 😂 It’s like meeting Superman! Not to put too fine a point on it.

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I'm wheelchair accessible, but in the writing sense. It's nice to get so much love for the movie and my work. Thank you Susan.

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It IS like meeting Superman! Writing Cool Runnings is way cooler than flying and fighting bad guys if you ask me.

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.. Am creating a ‘spec Story Outline here via ‘substack & would darn near ‘die for some perceptions from yourself ! .. & it’s ’piggybacking within the ‘platform of my Site which has slowly grown to approx 50 truly diverse ‘stacks ie ‘posts - which I aint callin ‘newsletters or ‘opinionations - Thus my Site - is a Free - Eclectic ‘HyperGallery’ for All Ages (no Religion or Politics allowed) - What else would a hypermedia artist do but ‘reflect Culture & Technology & outstanding Exemplars in the Field of Opportunity !

Questions for You ? I do Love ‘answers ! But my most ‘useful questions - might be ‘mechanical rather than ‘creative concerns. My son ‘knows of this Story via osmosis - very much like he experienced most of my ‘stuff - as he’s grown up with me - in parallel with my creative life as a shooter/writer/artist single ‘Dad. He’s now a ‘crack commercial Video Editor at an International Ad Agency & as addicted to cinema as I am..

But can I ‘beguile you ! Or anyone here in Substack either ? So far I ain’t beguiled very many - among the ‘captive audience of ‘SubStack .. & that’s A-ok - Am here ‘seeking Visibility & not ‘Popularity & clearly ‘earning & deserving Neither anyway

Merit & Visibility is Key in my Perspective - in order to ‘beguile the truly rare Cinematic Producer or Director or Talent or Screenwriter or even ‘Initial Patron, Philanthropist or Production Development Partner to ‘discover’ one of the Three Legacy Properties lurking like ‘buried pirate treasure ‘Hidden - In Plain Sight - within The Salamander Horde.. A ‘ShipWreck based Documentary including a Suite of Properties, an Unpolished & Unpublished Action/Drama ‘Blog Novel’ & thirdly ‘Turks Grift - Takedown @ Baraccuda Bight set in Providentiales - Turks & Caicos Islands

Will follow up with you most certainly eh ! Will be posting a ‘graphic teaser later today as ‘Snapshot - but may intrigue you most - is my overall Cinematic Production Design which guides - Development - Budget - Writing - Talent - Production & Post Departments

I have the experience & capability - to ‘design & write for existing Settings - Camera - Talent & in short - create the blueprint for a Feature Film / Series or both at approx 1/4 the cost of similar Dramatic Action Productions shot in exotic locations & settings - including among the most hostile environment for Production Gear imaginable - Sub Tidal Caribbean ‘heaven !

Can show you a single photograph that includes every ‘setting included in the Story Outline ! And can ‘take you there’ via my photos, research imagery & other related support info & facts - ie ‘Reality haha - am also looking forward to further perusal of your Site ! Which I came upon via disciplined random browsing - exactly how someone might discover mine.. or via comments in my dotage re photography, environment, music, media, political corruption, literature.. even gasp ! Boffo Fantasies & Conspiracies & even Both A’twonce ! Go Big or Don’t Go sez I ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🎬

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