Jun 15Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

This is eloquent. Every day is a run down an alley, hoping it doesn’t end in a wall too high to climb.

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Ain't it the truth Patris

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Jun 17Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

You used to do drugs? Oh my God I had no idea. Well good thing you quit buddy that stuff is no good for ya. Sure I'm glad I never got into that junk. I've heard of people shooting crack with lemon juice. Now that's pretty crazy! I can't imagine. lol.

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"To know to reach out and ask for help when I am struggling with the complex, mysterious and challenging vagaries of being human." -- A difficult and vital thing.

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It is. Difficult and vital often go hand in hand.

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Man, this one hits close to home.

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Jun 15Liked by Tommy Swerdlow


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I know about meetings, from the other side, the side of the enabler. The meetings do their thing once or twice, but then they become an addiction.

I am in awe of what you accomplished.

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