"There isn't much in life that doesn't benefit from being worn like a loose-fitting garment," is perhaps one of the most philosophical and useful ideas that one could work with in this world. Just think about it for a moment: it's useful for those who are overweight, for those who are pregnant, for those who are caught up in religious or political ideologies - and most importantly, for lovers who are in the middle of a flaring row with their partners. All one has to do is jump out of the straightjacket of one position into something a bit looser and less irritating, and all the conflicts and problems can be resolved quite easily - with everybody looking better (of course) in their cooler clothes. Tommy is some philosopher! He knows the Tao.

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Love that Martin. Especially about the lovers... If the lovers wear the garment loose, maybe one will get pregnant and can wear the garment loose again!

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Well, it's 'a loose' philosophy. It can be applied to many situations.

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Aug 14Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

Beautiful… oh, and this. I live on the Canadian border, so watching the Olympics as broadcast by the CBC is quite different. They are not as obsessed with winning. Now if we could just apply that to the NFL, wouldn’t that be nice!

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Nice. You know Canada and the Olympics in tandem are close to my heart.

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Aug 14Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

This is wonderful. I’ve love it. I will read it to my peeps. Love you!!!!Wish you were here.

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Spread it around, sister.

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I meant to comment on this back when I read it. It's come back to me, multiple times. I watched that podium moment with my kids, and it was so moving and beautiful. This has stuck with me: "That arbitrary or even war-won lines in the ground can separate us so completely is a collective agony. What those three women did on that podium was a balm to that agony, and though it may be forgotten quickly, for a moment it blurred those borders and made us all more human."

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Thanks for letting me know, Rob, and I'm glad you went there with me.

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Aug 16Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

So good.

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glad you dug it Carl

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Aug 15Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

Such a wonderful post Tommy. Thank you for expressing it so beautifully.

I wonder if there is another screenplay in the story of Simone Biles? I’d love to see that movie if you wrote it.

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Thanks Teyani. Ain't no men writing that movie and surely no white men, and that is how it should be

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Aug 14Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

Dude. You are killing me with these.

Just beautiful. Beautiful.

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I take pleasure in these acts of murder.

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Cried a little. Beautiful!

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Good. I like the image of you rolling down the road, cheeks wet and missing your exit-- and ending up somewhere even better.

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Right on the mark

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Thanks. I don't know if I stuck the landing, but my heart was in it.

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Aug 14Liked by Tommy Swerdlow

Like! ;)

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I know you. I think you could possible do the rings, gymnastically speaking.

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.. live Life .. play Fair .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

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